Anthony Gaddis | Kmart: Halloween Costume Challenge Guinness World Record

Anthony Gaddis directs Monternez Rezel to a Guinness World Record
It’s always wonderful when brands (and agencies) totally surprise you. That’s the way I felt upon viewing Kmart’s and DraftFCB Chicago’s “Halloween Costume Challenge,” a dark, Matrix-esque new seasonal spot starring dancer Monternez “Monty” Rezel of America’s Got Talent.
In the parking lot of a Kmart store on Chicago’s northwest side (the Addison and Kimball location for those familiar), Rezel set a Guinness World Record by going through 150 costume changes in just over six hours filming this spot. Set to David Condos’ song “Like Wolves,” the spot freezes Rezel in midair during his dance, with a circle of cameras capturing his moves in 360-degree glory.
For those social mediaites out there (we know you’re out there), the live-stream of the event garnered 148 mentions, 33 retweets and 453,000 impressions. Alright, so those metrics aren’t that amazing (because I wasn’t invited and no one watches live-streams unless someone is breaking the speed of sound), but the end product is. And, really, when you have a spot this good, that’s all that matters. Credits after the jump. -Agency Spy